The live launch of the third and latest edition of the Sally Series has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean you’ve missed out. You can now access all three series on our Learning Portal, where they’ve been conveniently and neatly packaged to suit your level of Sage Intelligence expertise.
Not sure which Sally Series you should start with? Here’s a quick recap of each one:
Starting out with Sally (Series 1) – In the first series, you’re joined by Sally, a passionate Sage Intelligence Reporting customer, as she interactively guides you through practical ways to improve your financial reporting skills and make sense of the numbers behind your business.
Gearing up with Sally (Series 2) – The second instalment kicks it up a gear, as Sally guides you towards painting a more revealing picture of your data, using the features of the Financial Report Designer and creative reporting techniques that include Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts and dashboards.
Getting ahead with Sally (Series 3) – This time around, Sally focuses on designing reports from scratch using the Sage Intelligence Connector module. As she creates a dashboard combining her Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable in a single view, you’ll discover how to define the specific data you want for your reports.
It’s not too late to get started with Sally in an engaging series that has truly revolutionised the way our customers use Sage Intelligence to help improve their business. Check out the relevant Sally Series now and kick off your journey to mastering your favourite reporting solution.